Problem with NGINX - Unprocessable entity localhost

Category: Better programmer :: Published at: 09.06.2024

When you try to run application, for example on Amazon Linux server, and trying to connect it
with a domain with the use of NGINX you can encounter some problematic issue.

You're starting server but, and it works, but when you try to make POST request, you're getting 422 Unprocessable Entity error.

This is because your application is still sending localhost Header, an this is not recognized by the app.

To fix this you need to modify your NGINX configuration

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How to create SystemCTL Service on Amazon EC2 to run application on start

Category: Better programmer :: Published at: 06.05.2024

There are two simple ways to run application on Amazon EC2.

One is to run screen command and run application there as a process.

Second one, probably better, is to create SystemCTL Service which you can run later.

This is how to do it:

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Just focus on the present

Category: Better programmer :: Published at: 03.06.2021

The last chapter in the Essentialism book (by Greg McKeown) is about focusing.

It is interesting not only if you think about being programmer, but in every field of our life in general.

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Things worth to remember after reading Essentialism book by Greg McKeown

Category: Better programmer :: Published at: 25.05.2021

I've recently read this book and have changed my mind about the way i should follow in my life.
It is not worth to be super productive and give 100% of my life to take every chance i will have on my way.

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