Here you can find quick tips, how to create a database in postgresql + you will also get the knowledge
about assigning user to the created database.
Here you can find quick tips, how to create a database in postgresql + you will also get the knowledge
about assigning user to the created database.
Today i will try to share with you my experience about signing in with Google on Rails application.
For this tutorial i will use Rails 6.1 with devise gem.
Read moreRefactoring process is very important and should not be underestimated by any software company.
Today i will try to extend my refactoring techniques knowledge and describe it here.
Read moreSOLID is a popular group of design principles and if you are a developer, for sure you had contact with it.
It is must if you want to get a nice job, but still many programmers have a problem to deal with this in 100%.
This is my explanation what is SOLID about in Ruby ecosystem.
Read moreAccessors can be hard to understand for new developers.
In this article i will try to explain how they work and when to use them.
Read moreIn simple words CQRS is dividing the reading part of the model from the writing part.
Instead of one, we have 2 models with different responsibilities.
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